Thursday, June 5, 2008

they grow so fast

As we approach another fall, my boys will be 3 years old and starting preschool. Alyssa is officially enrolled in kindergarden. That is so weird. Where has the time gone? 

yesterday jacob looked at me and said  "you have blue eyes nanny" and i said yes, i do. and then i almost started crying. they are just getting so big and smart and all that other stuff. 

still working on potty training. hopefully it will be all said and done sooner than later. we shall see. if you have any ideas or tips, i will take em!! 

anyways..i look forward to sunny days, trips to the beach, days at the zoo and many more sweet moments with "my" kiddos!! 


Aimee Jo said...

They do, don't they! It's hard to believe that you been with them since they have been tiny babies!
This summer will be a busy one, that's for sure. I bet that each year that you go to the zoo, it gets more fun, because they understand more and enjoy themselves more than the year before.

brenda said...

Hey girl, I have no tips on the potty training, in fact, if you have tips let me know!

Eric and Cheryl said...

Time does fly by and it seems you don't notice until its almost gone. Today is Kaylin's last day of 3rd grade and I am really sad. She is getting so old and grown up. You will have great times this summer with the kids especially if it ever stops raining. I cannot remember ever in my life a last day of school that was freezing, windy and rainy. I am not happy with the weather!