Sunday, March 30, 2008

SpRinG BReAK?!?!?

Spring break started out with a rainy Easter day here in Portland. But church was amazing and we had lots of visitors!! I hope that they will come back at some point! Then after church we went over to the Ellison's for lunch. It was very good and nice to visit with them. I played with Eli and Evan a lot, they are both so cute! Then after lunch and hanging out, I came home and finally packed to head off for the beach! But sun was not in the forecast.. 

I left for the coast Sunday afternoon to join the family I nanny for. We went for Alyssa's spring break. Let me just say, it was more like winter break than spring break!! First of all, we only were able to go out and play on the beach one day the entire week!! That was on Monday, and it was not really all that warm- but we braved it so the kids could have fun for a little while. We were out there for a while before they started saying they were cold, and for that I was thankful because I was ready to go in as well!! 

Tuesday we played in the house and went to the park. It was raining off and on while we were at the park, but when we got back the boys napped greeeaattt- and for that I was so glad! Monday and Tuesday were rainy off and on and we also had some hail too. So that brings us to Wednesday, and we went into Seaside for a late breakfast, the carousel and the tilt-a-whirl. After we were done with all of that, we decided to walk down to the aquarium (which is very tiny!!). When we went out to start our walk, it was snowing and snowing pretty heavily! But we decided to go anyway since we were all bundled up. We went and saw all the sea creatures and they also had sea lions that would do "tricks" for pieces of fish, and when they talked they almost sound like cows, it was pretty entertaining! Even though their talking did scare the boys! So we walked back to the car in the freezing snow! Thursday and Friday the crummy weather continued and we drove home on Friday in the snow with some slick roads. Thankfully, we made it home safely! I was happy to be back in Portland, and then yesterday it rained all day long and we even had some snow here too- crazy weather! 

Overall, we had a pretty good time. We were also able to play Yahtzee with Alyssa, which she loves! She got her first loose tooth while we were there, after discovering it was loose she spent about half an hour flipping was pretty funny. She is/was worried that she will loose all her teeth at once. Poor girl, she will be so cute when it does fall out! It was fun to watch the boys play on the beach and discover the ocean more and understand that the ocean is bigger than the river! I hope the weather is a lot better the next time we go! 

So here is to spring time and spring weather....please come and stay around for a while!! 

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The heart of a Doula

This weekend was amazing, excititing, educating, and a blessing. I learned so much this weekend, and it was great. I really truly believe in my heart that I have found what I was born to do. I have always loved, loved, loved babies. And I really do miss holding my sweet niece Anaiah, and just cuddling with her and the sweet babies that I have helped take care of since they were in their mommas belly. I also love to help people. I love it, it makes my heart feel good and it is what I have been called to do through Christ. So this weekend I was able to invest more fully in my path to becoming a postpartum doula. A postpartum doula is a woman (most of the time) who goes into the lives of a family after she has given birth. A pd takes care of the mother, the baby and assists the family in making the transition of bringing the newborn home. here I am a month later finally finishing this post. I am loser for not getting back to it sooner! As you can tell, I am in the process of heading a different direction in my career path. I will still be providing child care, but it will be with infants and will involve more taking care of the mother and family as well. I can not wait to continue this journey! I have all ready helped out a few families for a doula company here in Portland, and one family was very challenging. But in that challenge I was able to over come and it turned out pretty good! 

If any one knows a family who is going to have a baby or just has..send them my way! I need to get more experience! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!!

Yesterday was March 3rd, 2008. That date probably has no significant meaning to most of you, but to me it was the day that my little niece, Anaiah Dawn turned 6 months old!! I can't believe she is all ready half a year old. Time has flown by sooo quickly. It seems like yesterday I was holding her for the first time. I really wish that I could see her!!! I just wish we were closer so that our family could see her change and grow as she learns new things! My sister told my mom that they are starting to put her up on all fours, but when they do she just gets frustrated! She is starting to help Aimee and Andrew turn the pages of her books as they are reading to her. She is also sucking her thumb like her Auntie Amanda used to- hopefully she will not suck it as long as I did!! She is also eating rice cereal, which is pretty exciting!! I just wish I could see her, hold her and give her some kisses. Before I know it she will be walking and talking. They really do grow so fast!!! 
So happy 6 month birthday baby girl!!! I hope you are having fun in Africa. Be good and don't grow too fast. I love you lots and cant wait to see you!!! (make sure your mommy reads this to you!!) You have my heart- Auntie Mandie